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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2015/2016 School Year

7th Mar 2016
  Our buddy class is Miss Campbell’s Y6. We had great fun this week...
4th Mar 2016
Well done to everyone who brought in a book box of their favourite book. They were...
4th Mar 2016
  Can we say a huge thank you to everyone who brought in a Book Box last...
4th Mar 2016
As part of the 'Festival of Words' week each class had the task of decorating their...
27th Feb 2016
In our new Order of the Phoenix House Competition we have just completed our second...
26th Feb 2016
The launch of our new school website was one of the highlights of this month....
26th Feb 2016
These are pupils selected each month for doing really well. They can be rewarded...
26th Feb 2016
These are pupils selected each month for doing really well. They can be rewarded...
26th Feb 2016
These are pupils selected each month for doing really well. They can be rewarded...
17th Feb 2016
Our 'New Year, New You' competition winners had a great night watching the Belfast...