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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2015/2016 School Year

8th Feb 2016
Year 4s had a super day learning all about space as part of their topic at Armagh...
8th Feb 2016
We had a great day at Castle Espie learning all about ducks as part of our bird...
8th Feb 2016
We had a fantastic day With World of Owls visiting us as part of our bird topic.
8th Feb 2016
As part of our sight topic Mr Lacey kindly came in to teach us all about guide dogs...
5th Feb 2016
Well done to the year 7 pupils who represented our school at the annual road...
4th Feb 2016
Miss Campbell's class had a great day building a Viking longboat. We really enjoyed...
29th Jan 2016
These are pupils selected each month for doing really well.  They can be rewarded...
29th Jan 2016
These are pupils selected each month for doing really well. They can be rewarded...
15th Jan 2016
The two year 7 classes along with Kings Park Primary School and Abbey Community...