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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2016/2017 School Year

13th Jan 2017
KS1 gathered in the hall today to show each other what they want to be when they...
13th Jan 2017
On Thursday, we took part in adventure day in Abbey College. We had a chance to...
12th Jan 2017
As part of our New year, New you week we have been learning that you should get...
12th Jan 2017
KS1 had a walk to Hazelbank this week as part of our New Year New You week. We...
11th Jan 2017
As part of the Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (PDMU) curriculum we...
10th Jan 2017
There was a fantastic group of parents who came to the school last night to discuss...
9th Jan 2017
We have been developing our ICT skills as part of our 'food' topic work. We found...
9th Jan 2017
To enhance our learning of the story of The Little Red Hen we decided to make our...
9th Jan 2017
As part of our 'New Year, New You' week, year 6 have been learning about keeping...
6th Jan 2017
Congratulations to Pegasus House who were declared this week as the winners of our...