Access Keys:

Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2016/2017 School Year

2nd May 2017
Over the last number of weeks, year 6 have been visited by a medical student from...
28th Apr 2017
Over the last few weeks we have had great fun at Jumping Clay Club creating our...
27th Apr 2017
Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Parliament Buildings at Stormont today. ...
27th Apr 2017
We had a great morning at Stormont, we stood in the great hall and visited the Assembly...
25th Apr 2017
P2 from room 3 had a fantastic visit to Tesco Newtownabbey this morning. We were...
25th Apr 2017
Year 1 are having great fun exploring their new topic 'We're going on a bear hunt'. ...
7th Apr 2017
This week the whole school explored the Easter story.  Key Stage 2 took a 'novel'...
7th Apr 2017
Congratulations to all the boys and girls in Foundation Stage who won prizes in...
7th Apr 2017
This week we got the opportunity to visit two churches to learn more about the story...