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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2016/2017 School Year

3rd Mar 2017
In class we have been reading 'Ridiculous' which tells the story of Shelley the...
2nd Mar 2017
Year 7 joined the rest of the school to celebrate World Book Day and dressed up...
2nd Mar 2017
Today KS 2 held our annual verse speaking competition and it was yet again a huge...
2nd Mar 2017
Year 1 have had an action packed week celebrating the 'Festival of Words'. ...
2nd Mar 2017
We had so much fun dressing up as our favourite book characters today! We had...
2nd Mar 2017
Our Year 5 Shared Education choir finally had their big performance on Sunday 26th...
2nd Mar 2017
Every Thursday, year 6 are visited by a medical student from Queens University called...
2nd Mar 2017
As part of our Festival of Words week, all our classes participated in a dress up...
2nd Mar 2017
Today, Miss Campbell's maths group were learning all about percentages. We used...
2nd Mar 2017
For World Book Day, we dressed up as characters from our favourite books. Can you...