Access Keys:

Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2016/2017 School Year

2nd Mar 2017
Last night was a great success at our A.R. family learning and pizza night. A great...
1st Mar 2017
Year 6 had a special visitor today. Mr McConkey came to tell us a story for Festival...
1st Mar 2017
As part of Festival of Words, each child in year 6 was asked to do a short presentation...
1st Mar 2017
Over fifty parents and pupils came along on Wednesday 1st March, as part of our...
1st Mar 2017
Last Thursday Year 7 RW visited Tescos as part of their Farm to Fork education...
1st Mar 2017
Last week Year 6 and Year 7 had the opportunity to visit a Bible Exhibition...
28th Feb 2017
Our first Forest School session alongside St James Primary School was successful....
28th Feb 2017
This week we have been trying to use the nursery unit space better.  After...
28th Feb 2017
Today in Year 2 we made pancakes to celebrate Pancake Day/Shrove Tuesday. We learned...
27th Feb 2017
As part of our Festival of Words week, we have been focussing on talking and listening....