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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2017/2018 School Year

19th Oct 2017
Both Year 2 classes visited 'The Ark' open farm as part of our farm topic. It was...
19th Oct 2017
As you can see we have been very busy so far in Grandparents' Club practising our...
19th Oct 2017
October Update: At the end of September we took two days to work on our P.D.M.U....
18th Oct 2017
Firstly, congratulations to the Eco Team for getting the Eco Schools Bronze Award...
17th Oct 2017
Over the last few weeks Year 7 pupils have been enjoying Mad Science as part of...
17th Oct 2017
Year 7 had lots of fun a few weeks ago raising money for our nominated charities....
12th Oct 2017
On Friday 6th October Year 2 had great fun taking part in a range...
11th Oct 2017
Year 7 really enjoyed getting active on Friday, 6th October.  We started the...
11th Oct 2017
Last week Year 6 looked at Abstract Nouns. They created and performed their Abstract...
10th Oct 2017
Year 5 pupils have been exploring the sea this term. We have had fun researching...