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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2017/2018 School Year

10th Oct 2017
Year 5 pupils have been enjoying rugby training this term. Today we learned how...
10th Oct 2017
P5, Room 9 had a very successful time in the Active Learning Room today. We worked...
6th Oct 2017
Year 3 and 4 had lots of fun engaging in a range of physical activities to enhance...
5th Oct 2017
This week staff took part in a training session which promoted mental health awareness...
5th Oct 2017
Keep an eye on your letter box this week.  Our Year 4 boys and girls have been...
5th Oct 2017
Year 4 enjoyed walking to Rathcoole Library this week.  We had a chance to...
5th Oct 2017
Congratulations to 5 of our Year 7 pupils who were awarded their next AR certificate...