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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2017/2018 School Year

11th Jan 2018
Today(Thursday) in P5 room 9, we took a more artistic and creative approach to learning...
11th Jan 2018
Year 3 enjoyed taking part in a fitness session with trainers from Wilkinson Lifestyle....
11th Jan 2018
Year 4 had great fun today getting fit with Wilkinson Lifestyle - we played lots...
10th Jan 2018
Our school has reached Bronze Level of the Rights Respecting School Award. The attached...
10th Jan 2018
Parents and teachers appreciate the potential of technology to promote pupils' learning....
10th Jan 2018
Tonight a very enthusiastic group of parents attended a workshop to develop and...
10th Jan 2018
Key Stage 1 thoroughly enjoyed their walk to Hazelbank this morning.  We were...
10th Jan 2018
KS1 set off this morning for Hazelbank. We were thinking about Road Safety and...
9th Jan 2018
Thank you to Tesco who provided us with some tasty fruit!  We talked about...
9th Jan 2018
Our new topic in the Nursery this month is 'The Big Freeze!'  We have been...