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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2017/2018 School Year

20th Dec 2017
The pupils staged a lovely carol service that really captured the meaning of the...
20th Dec 2017
The children get a surprise visit from Santa. 
20th Dec 2017
These pupils are definitely on the 'Nice List' this year!
19th Dec 2017
Year 3 enjoyed making Snowmen sunsets and sunrises. Look at their great work!
19th Dec 2017
Year 3 and 4 had so much fun at the Christmas Disco. Check out their cool moves...
19th Dec 2017
Check out the stars of Lights, Camel, Action
18th Dec 2017
Thank you to all who came to watch us in our Nativity this morning.  The boys...
18th Dec 2017
Christmas Festivities have been well under way in the Nursery! We have had so much...
17th Dec 2017
We have been 'Exploring Our World' in the Nursery as well as learning...
15th Dec 2017
As part of our 'making a difference' topic, Deborah came in to speak to us about...