Access Keys:

Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2017/2018 School Year

8th Jun 2018
Congratulations to Year 7 AR May Certificate winners! A special mention must...
7th Jun 2018
End of Year Report  The school achieved its Silver Eco Award after...
7th Jun 2018
Today we were delighted to be awarded our Silver Rights Respecting School Award....
5th Jun 2018
Thanks to everyone who has supported our 'Shoe Share' campaign so far this year....
5th Jun 2018
As we approach the summer holidays we think about the importance of relaxation and...
2nd Jun 2018
On the 31st May, 90 Year 7 pupils from Whitehouse Primary and St James Primary participated...
1st Jun 2018
We had a great day being fearsome pirates! We sung pirate songs, read pirate...
31st May 2018
Huge thanks to all the friends and family members who came to support the children....
31st May 2018
The eco team headed down to Loughshore today to take part in Live Here, Love Here’s...
25th May 2018
For Golden Time we decided to get out the picnic blankets and enjoy an ice lolly...