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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2017/2018 School Year

27th Apr 2018
As part of our history topic ‘The Victorians’ we visited Sentry Hill...
20th Apr 2018
Some of our pupils from Y4-7 started a 7 week coding course in association with...
19th Apr 2018
Year 4 have had a great day at Stormont, we found out about MLAs and their jobs...
19th Apr 2018
Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Stormont this morning. We sat in the Assembly...
13th Apr 2018
Over a series of weeks P5 have been making 3D papier mache masks of Tutankhamun's...
11th Apr 2018
Feedback from our first AQE practice paper showed that many of the pupils in year...
6th Apr 2018
April Update: The main success has been a successful entry for the Northern...
28th Mar 2018
As we celebrate Easter, we remember how lucky we are to live in a country where...
23rd Mar 2018
PTA Easter Egg Colouring Competition and Festival of Words Handwriting Competition...
23rd Mar 2018
In the Nursery we have been looking at lots of different animals and flowers that...