Access Keys:

Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2017/2018 School Year

9th Jan 2018
Year 4 had the chance to sample some healthy snacks provided by Tesco today - sugar...
9th Jan 2018
Year 4 had a really interesting visit from Julie, our school counsellor today. We...
9th Jan 2018
Y3 worked with Julie from Barnardos today. She talked about what a first aid kit...
9th Jan 2018
Thank you to Tesco for providing us with an amazing variety of fruit and vegetables...
9th Jan 2018
We went to the hall to meet two ladies from Tesco.  We heard about healthy...
9th Jan 2018
The P5 children had a workshop all about keeping our minds healthy. We discussed...
8th Jan 2018
Connected with our New Year, New You programme, the right of the month for January...
8th Jan 2018
Dear Parent, Our heating is repaired and the school is open again tomorrow (9th...