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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2017/2018 School Year

1st Mar 2018
The children have been learning some vocabulary related to rights: Rights are...
1st Mar 2018
This week key stage 1 have been learning poems as part of Festival of Words week....
1st Mar 2018
To celebrate World Book Day Year 7 joined the school 'Vocabulary Parade'. A massive...
1st Mar 2018
This morning we had our vocabulary parade. It was wonderful to see all the fantastic...
1st Mar 2018
Thanks to the children and their families for going to so much effort. It was lovely...
1st Mar 2018
Congratulations to Tanea, who won the Year 6C handwriting competition. We hope you...
1st Mar 2018
We have loved seeing the children dressed up as different words! We have been learning...
28th Feb 2018
Today Mr McAlister came to Year 6 to read to us. He read a passage from 'War Horse'...
28th Feb 2018
This year was our first trip to RADAR, (Risk Avoidance and Danger Awareness Resource). ...
27th Feb 2018
As part of the festival of words weeks, Year 3 and Year 6 classes met to work together...