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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2017/2018 School Year

27th Feb 2018
Some of the children in our class brought in a special item/picture to talk to the...
27th Feb 2018
These children remembered to bring in an item for show and tell today.  Among...
27th Feb 2018
Today, everyone in year 6 brought an object or picture to school to talk to the...
27th Feb 2018
Today we brought in something special so we could tell all our friends about.
26th Feb 2018
Last week Y3 were using different charts, diagrams and graphs to collate and record...
26th Feb 2018
Today Year 2R and Year 5R/C worked together as part of Festival of Words. The...
26th Feb 2018
Year 1 and Year 4 loved working together today to design bookmarks.
26th Feb 2018
As part of our PDMU topic we have been thinking about memories,especially happy...
26th Feb 2018
Today was our introductory lesson to our new Maths topic, fractions.  Each...
26th Feb 2018
Today Miss Campbell's Year 6 class and Mrs Weir's Year 3 class worked together as...