Access Keys:

Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2018/2019 School Year

9th Oct 2018
Today we welcomed a team of volunteers from Journey 2 Where who had set up a Bible...
9th Oct 2018
Year 5 travelled to the Opera House last week for a workshop entitled Cinemagic...
5th Oct 2018
Year 1 had great fun walking round the school grounds to raise lots of money for...
5th Oct 2018
We had a fantastic week in Nursery! : ) Debbie Doolittle came to visit us with...
5th Oct 2018
Last week the boys and girls in Year 1 helped to make a fruit salad.  It was...
5th Oct 2018
It's hard to believe that our first month in Year 1 is over.  Have a look at...
5th Oct 2018
Keep an eye on your letter boxes over the next few days. Our Year 4 pupils have...
4th Oct 2018
One of our year 7 pupils belongs to a dance club. She trains 3 times a week. Recently...
4th Oct 2018
We visited the War Memorial Museum today to find out about WW2. We found out about...
3rd Oct 2018
Year 4 looked fantastic in their evacuee costumes today! It really felt like we...