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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2019/2020 School Year

10th Oct 2019
To celebrate World Mental Health Awareness Day 2019 lots of classes had discussions...
10th Oct 2019
Today is World Mental Health Day. To celebrate, we had extra time to play with our...
10th Oct 2019
Every day, we do lots of fun activities to develop our mental maths skills! Check...
10th Oct 2019
Well done to the Under 11 Football Team, who after 6 great games of football,...
8th Oct 2019
As part of our sight topic we have been learning about how our eyes work. We have...
8th Oct 2019
Both Year 2 classes visited The Ark Open Farm as part of our farm topic. We had...
8th Oct 2019
This term, Year 6 have been learning about different types of noun. We learned that...
4th Oct 2019
Well done to 10 year 7 pupils who were awarded their next AR certificate. This...
4th Oct 2019
We have been busy during I.C.T. lessons so far this term. This week we made posters...