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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2019/2020 School Year

3rd Oct 2019
Y4 have been learning about evacuees during WW2. We had to imagine that we were...
2nd Oct 2019
Our outside of school achievements continue - we have a very active pupils in Whitehouse...
2nd Oct 2019
It has been a busy start to Year 2. We have been revising our sounds, reading and...
1st Oct 2019
This week in PE, Year 6 have been working on their balance skills. We worked on...
1st Oct 2019
In 2018-2019 we got a clothes recycling bank which brought in £352. We decided...
30th Sep 2019
Congratulations to those year 6 pupils who gained an Accelerated Reading certificate...
27th Sep 2019
Yesterday, we were visited by 2 assessors from Unicef, Niki and Anne-Marie, who...
26th Sep 2019
Just a reminder to everyone that our 30th anniversary children's rights competitions...
25th Sep 2019
Today, Year 6 had a visit from Caitriona who works for St Joseph's Centre for the...
24th Sep 2019
Today we had Amanda from the IFA take us for PE! Last week, we worked on agility,...