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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2021/2022 School Year

8th Nov 2021
We continue to celebrate and congratulate children who have managed to achieve AR...
31st Oct 2021
During October Year 7W had 4 sessions with Mark Mead from REACH. REACH...
22nd Oct 2021
The Department of Education “iMatter” programme is intended to support...
22nd Oct 2021
Congratulations to 11 of our Y7 pupils who have achieved their next AR level certificate...
22nd Oct 2021
Year 6 have been doing a great job with their accelerated reading. This month we...
22nd Oct 2021
Year 1 have had a busy half term exploring the wonderful world of colour! ...
22nd Oct 2021
We have enjoyed learning all about the sea this half term. We have researched different...
14th Oct 2021
World Mental Health Day, is celebrated every year on October 10. Its aim is to...
12th Oct 2021
We want to celebrate and congratulate these children who have managed to achieve...