Access Keys:

Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2022/2023 School Year

13th Mar 2023
Year 5 had lots of fun during Festival of Words Week. We hope you enjoy seeing these...
10th Mar 2023
Ryan from Live Here Love Here, came into talk to the Y4’s in Mrs McNevison’s...
9th Mar 2023
Y7 pupils took part in World Maths Day (8 March 2023).  The children logged...
7th Mar 2023
On Friday, 3rd March, our Y7 pupils took part in the Bee Safe event which was held...
6th Mar 2023
As part of our WAU topic - The Rainforest, Year 7 took part in a Climate Change...
6th Mar 2023
Safeguarding Update - WPS is now an Operation Encompass School. Operation Encompass...
3rd Mar 2023
Year 7 had a very busy week exploring and discovering new books and authors this...
3rd Mar 2023
Congratulations to 6 Year 7 pupils who worked extremely hard to get their next AR...
27th Feb 2023
Our Year 7’s took part in a super workshop on Fast Fashion. They were encouraged...
21st Feb 2023
Year 7 were learning about pancake day or Shrove Tuesday. According to tradition,...