Access Keys:

Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2023/2024 School Year

25th Jan 2024
Healthy Kidz have been taking the most amazingly fun P.E. Sessions with years 1,...
19th Jan 2024
Year 7 enjoyed taking part in a variety of New Year, New You activities.  These...
17th Jan 2024
Last week we all enjoyed some New Year New You activities. We discussed all the...
16th Jan 2024
Yesterday we were invited to take part in a range of lesson activities at Abbey...
22nd Dec 2023
Year 5 pupils were set the task of either creating a poster about the Titanic or...
22nd Dec 2023
Year 7 linked in with Kelly Doyle from the Council and took part in a Christmas card...
21st Dec 2023
It is wise to regularly review your child's online activity. This can include checking...
15th Dec 2023
Last Week Year 5 experienced an interesting trip run by the Titanic Schools Project...
11th Dec 2023
On Friday Year 7 were kindly invited to take part in a range of lesson activities...