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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2023/2024 School Year

6th Oct 2023
This week, in anticipation of our new topic after Halloween, Year 5 had the opportunity...
6th Oct 2023
You Tube is a video-sharing social media platform that allows billions of people...
2nd Oct 2023
Congratulations to 12 Year 7 pupils who have been awarded their next AR certificate...
28th Sep 2023
Y4 took part in Cycle to School week by bringing our bikes to school. They learnt...
28th Sep 2023
We went to our local library today. Some of us even became new members and got library...
22nd Sep 2023
We would like to celebrate our pupils achievements outside school. If your child...
19th Sep 2023
We welcomed our P1’s to the Whitehouse family. 
15th Sep 2023
Please see attached a flyer for a FREE workshop Parentline is running together with...
8th Sep 2023
As part of our Sea topic this term, Year 5 went to the beach at Hazelbank to explore!...