Access Keys:

Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2022/2023 School Year

3rd Mar 2023
Congratulations to 6 Year 7 pupils who worked extremely hard to get their next AR...
27th Feb 2023
Our Year 7’s took part in a super workshop on Fast Fashion. They were encouraged...
21st Feb 2023
Year 7 were learning about pancake day or Shrove Tuesday. According to tradition,...
10th Feb 2023
Last week we had lots of fun sharing stories with our buddy classes. Some of us...
10th Feb 2023
This week Year 5 had a visit from 3 fire fighters who told us all about the fire...
10th Feb 2023
Year 3 have taken part in the big garden bird watch. We counted the birds we saw...
2nd Feb 2023
Y3 travelled to Castle Espie to find out about birds that like to live in wetland...
1st Feb 2023
During the months of December and January Year 7 had 18 pupils who have achieved...
28th Jan 2023
In the guide you'll find tips on  how to use a password manager, how to back...
12th Jan 2023
Sustrans have worked with Y1-Y7 this week. 💚🛴🚴‍♀️🌏 Y5...