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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

News - Year 5

2017/2018 School Year

29th Jun 2018
We ended our topic of volcanoes this week with creating some out of papier mache....
15th Jun 2018
We have done lots of activities to do with money this week including games, money...
15th Jun 2018
Continuing with our money week activities, primary 5 playing a budgeting board game....
14th Jun 2018
The P5's have been doing the topic, "Change," in World Around Us. As part of this...
14th Jun 2018
P5 have been learning about capacity and volume. We spent time outdoors doing...
12th Jun 2018
This is money week. We talked about how to budget money and we looked at the difference...
21st May 2018
We have been looking at the life of Picasso and his paintings this term. We looked...
1st May 2018
Our E Safety lesson was all about how much screen time we should have each day. ...
1st May 2018
We have started the new maths topic, weight. We discussed grams and kilograms...
13th Apr 2018
Over a series of weeks P5 have been making 3D papier mache masks of Tutankhamun's...