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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

News - Year 3

2017/2018 School Year

8th Feb 2018
Mike, from the World of Owls, brought a few friends for us to meet. We met a Barn...
11th Jan 2018
Year 3 enjoyed taking part in a fitness session with trainers from Wilkinson Lifestyle....
10th Jan 2018
KS1 set off this morning for Hazelbank. We were thinking about Road Safety and...
9th Jan 2018
Y3 worked with Julie from Barnardos today. She talked about what a first aid kit...
9th Jan 2018
Thank you to Tesco for providing us with an amazing variety of fruit and vegetables...
19th Dec 2017
Year 3 enjoyed making Snowmen sunsets and sunrises. Look at their great work!
19th Dec 2017
Year 3 and 4 had so much fun at the Christmas Disco. Check out their cool moves...
19th Dec 2017
Check out the stars of Lights, Camel, Action
15th Dec 2017
As part of our 'making a difference' topic, Deborah came in to speak to us about...
17th Nov 2017
We had lots of fun looking at each other's silly socks today. We had odd socks,...