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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2016/2017 School Year

9th Jan 2017
We have been developing our ICT skills as part of our 'food' topic work. We found...
9th Jan 2017
To enhance our learning of the story of The Little Red Hen we decided to make our...
9th Jan 2017
As part of our 'New Year, New You' week, year 6 have been learning about keeping...
6th Jan 2017
Congratulations to Pegasus House who were declared this week as the winners of our...
5th Jan 2017
In November/December we learned about different types of food and which foods are...
23rd Dec 2016
Mr Bailie and two of his Key Stage 2 pupils share a smile on our Christmas themed...
23rd Dec 2016
The big man in red took time out in this busy week to come and visit Year 1 to 4...
23rd Dec 2016
Mr Bailie was delighted to present one of our Year 1 pupil's family a £20...
23rd Dec 2016
Mr Bailie was delighted to award to one of our very creative Year 4 pupils a family...
23rd Dec 2016
These are pupils selected each month for doing really well. They can be rewarded...