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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

News - Year 7

2015/2016 School Year

10th May 2016
Sentry Hill is a 19th century farmhouse in Carnmoney. The house and its contents...
10th May 2016
Cool Creations - we were given the challenge to build the tallest tower that we...
9th May 2016
The Year 7 Eco team have been very busy.    Every day a team of volunteers...
24th Apr 2016
Year 7 learnt lots of new facts about Queen Elizabeth.  Did you know her favourite...
19th Apr 2016
A huge thank you to Mr Mark McGookin (Sam & Lewis' dad) for visiting year 7...
19th Apr 2016
Last week Year 7 had great fun in STEM exploring the concept of forces by making...
23rd Mar 2016
This term a group of Year 7 pupils attended Art Club with Mr Armstrong from...
17th Mar 2016
Congratulations to Emily Allen and Rachel Shaw who have both achieved the AR...
5th Feb 2016
Well done to the year 7 pupils who represented our school at the annual road...