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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

News - Year 7

2019/2020 School Year

5th Feb 2020
During the month of January we had 7 pupils who have achieved their next AR...
24th Jan 2020
Year 7 welcomed local DJ Tyler Jack into their classroom to interview him about...
14th Jan 2020
As part of New Year New You, Year 7 enjoyed dressing up and discussing the different...
12th Jan 2020
On the 9th January Year 7 were kindly invited to Abbey College to participate in...
6th Jan 2020
This week is a combination of in class and year group/whole school events. The week...
19th Dec 2019
Congratulations to the Christmas Hamper winners from foundation, Key stage 1 and...
19th Dec 2019
Congratulations to 7 Year 7 pupils who have been awarded their next AR certificate...
12th Dec 2019
This week, our school orchestra played to welcome parents and visitors to the key...
11th Dec 2019
Year 7 were kindly asked by our school nurse, Collette, to make Christmas cards...
4th Dec 2019
Congratulations to a year 7 pupil who has managed to read a phenomenal 1,077,965...