Access Keys:

Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

Erasmus Trip to Turkey

7th Mar 2020

Last week 3 staff members from our school (Mrs McKane, Mrs Frazer and Miss Campbell) travelled to Beysehir for the launch of our new Erasmus+ project 3R - Respect for Self, Respect for Others, Respect for the Environment.

Teachers from St James's P.S. and St Conelths National School in Kildare travelled with us.

We received a wonderfully warm welcome from our hosts in Turkey.

During the trip we had opportunities to observe lessons in our partner school in Turkey. We learned about play therapy techniques, Ebru - a traditional Turkish form of art and how the classes use stories and art to explore feeling and emotions.

We also had an opportunity to visit a local recycling centre and landfill site to explore how the government in promoting recycling and take part in a range of cultural experiences.

The trip also provided an opportunity for us to plan a series activities for the pupils to carry out over the next 2 years.

It was a fascinating trip and we hope to have many opportunities to apply the things we have learned throughout the lifetime of our Erasmus project and beyond.