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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

Y5 Learning with Smarties!

27th Feb 2017

In both P5 rooms, we were learning all about fractions.

We discussed what we could remember from our learning in previous years.  We thought about how fractions were all about dividing up a whole thing, into equal parts. 

We then heard about the bottom number of a fraction being the denominator and it represented how many pieces the whole was divided into.  We then went on to talk about the numerator being the top number and  that it tells about how many parts of the whole, we are using.

Then came the fun part!

We were all given a mini box of smarties.  We had to count how many sweets were in our box and this became the denominator of our fraction work.  Then we had to count how many of each colour we had and record it as a fraction.  For example, if Naomi had 45 smarties and she counted 8 orange ones, then she had 8/45 orange smarties in her box.

We all revised and learnt a lot about fractions today, but the best bit was when we were told we could eat our box of smarties.

Look at all these hard working mathematicians!

Whitehouse News Jan 24-compressed.pdf (5th Feb 2024) View download document
Sept/Oct Topic: Look Out! Your Literacy and Numeracy guide to Y3 learning in this topic. (17th Jun 2017)

We begin the year by investigating sight. we look at how our eyes work. We talk to people who are vision impaired and find out about guide dogs. We find out about how blind people read!

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80th Birthday Presentation (7th Jun 2019) View download document
A Festival of Fall( Nov - Dec) (25th Jan 2019)

Join the Owl Babies as they explore seasonal change.

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Accelerated Reading PowerPoint (25th Sep 2016)

This PowerPoint gives an overview of our very exciting reading project that we have introduced in Year 5.  Have  read and we are sure you will be impressed. Our Year 5 pupils are very much enjoying this fantastic opportunity.

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action plan 2022-23 (10th Mar 2023) View download document
Admissions leaflet (9th Jan 2019) View download document
Admissions leaflet (9th Jan 2019) View download document
Admissions Policy Sept 2016 (3rd Jan 2017) View download document
Advice for Parents (10th Sep 2020) View download document
Anti-Bullying Policy Sept 2015 (31st Dec 2016) View download document
Art & Design Policy Sept 2016 Abridged Ver (1st Jan 2017) View download document
‘Are you Packing a Healthy Lunch?', ‘Healthy Breaks for Schools' and ‘Healthy Choices' Resources (16th Nov 2021) View download document
Barnardos SEE HEAR RESPOND Service (3rd Mar 2021) View download document
Beauty & the Beast - Family Fun Night (3rd Oct 2016) View download document
Behaviour & Discipline Policy (18th Dec 2015) View download document
Bluerprint 2020 Parents' Guide (15th Oct 2016) View download document
Charges and Remissions Policy Dec 2016 (3rd Jan 2017) View download document
Chief Medical Officer's Letter (10th Sep 2020) View download document
Complaints Policy September 2017 (9th Oct 2017) View download document
Coping with stress and worry (28th Mar 2022) View download document
Count, Read: Succeed Policy Dec 2016 (4th Jan 2017) View download document
Covid 19 Addendum to Online Safety Policy (20th May 2020) View download document
COVID-19 Family Support Hub Newsletter - 13 May 2020 (18th May 2020) View download document
Curriculum Policy Sept. 2016 (31st Dec 2016) View download document
CYPSP May Resources (1st Jun 2020) View download document
Dec Phoenix (12th Dec 2016) View download document
Dinner menu 1st September (31st Aug 2021) View download document
Discord (21st Dec 2023) View download document
Dissemination of Good Practice Policy April 2015 (3rd Jan 2017) View download document
dough recipe (3rd Apr 2020) View download document
dough recipe (3rd Apr 2020) View download document
Dress up note home (6th Jan 2020) View download document
drop off/pick up map (17th Aug 2020) View download document
Drugs Education Feb 2014 (31st Dec 2016) View download document
EA High 5 Newsletter (15th Jan 2021) View download document
EA High Five 40 (28th Mar 2022) View download document
EA Literacy Service Support (29th Jan 2021) View download document
Eco Code 2018-19 (16th Jan 2019) View download document
Eco note about the Tombola (10th Dec 2018) View download document
Eco team action plan form 18-19 (16th Jan 2019) View download document
Eco Team partner with New Year New You (16th Jan 2019) View download document
Eco Warriors Assembly Sept 22 (26th Sep 2022) View download document
Energy Campaign pack (23rd Nov 2017) View download document
Enrolment September 2019 (9th Jan 2019) View download document
Environmental Review (27th Apr 2017) View download document
Environmental Review Results (27th Apr 2017) View download document
environmental review results 18-19 (16th Jan 2019) View download document
EW StayingConnected (24th Apr 2020) View download document
Express Yourself Family Activities (1st Feb 2021) View download document
Facebook guidelines (19th Mar 2020) View download document
Family Support Hub Newsletter Edition 3 March 20 (3rd Apr 2020) View download document
flu vaccine (19th Oct 2020) View download document
Friday 24 .04.20 (3rd Apr 2020) View download document
Friday 24 .04.20 (3rd Apr 2020) View download document
Friday1stMay.pdf (24th Apr 2020) View download document
Friends and Friendships (26th Apr 2022) View download document
Gold Action Plan -Teaching and Learning ABOUT Rights (26th Sep 2019) View download document
Gold Action Plan -Teaching and Learning FOR Rights (26th Sep 2019) View download document
Gold Action Plan -Teaching and Learning THROUGH Rights (26th Sep 2019) View download document
Guide for Parents and Guardians cash for clobber (20th Nov 2018) View download document
Half term arrangements October 2020 (14th Oct 2020) View download document
High Five Pupil / Parent Newsletter Issue 5 JUNE (8th Jun 2020) View download document
High Five Pupil Parent Newsletter 19/06/20 (19th Jun 2020) View download document
High Five Pupil Parent Newsletter 3 (22nd May 2020) View download document
High Five Pupil Parent Newsletter Issue 4 (22nd May 2020) View download document
High Five Pupil Parent Newsletter Issue 4 (22nd May 2020) View download document
HIGH FIVE Pupil/Parent Newsletter (23rd Apr 2020) View download document
High Five September Issue (14th Sep 2020) View download document
Hire of Premises Policy Sept. 2016 (30th Dec 2016) View download document
Home learning FAQs (1st Jan 2021) View download document
Home Learning FAQ's (1st May 2020) View download document
ICT Policy June 2018 (9th Nov 2018) View download document
iMatters - December – Physical Activity (30th Nov 2021) View download document
iMatters Coping with School (1st Mar 2022) View download document
iMatters Feelings (1st Feb 2022) View download document
iMatters Self Esteem (4th Jan 2022) View download document
Jan/Feb Topic: Taking Flight. Your Literacy and Numeracy guide to Y3 learning in this topic. (15th Jun 2017)

Find out about British garden birds, owls and ducks. We will 'take off' on a trip to Castle Espie and have 'The World of Owls' come to school for a visit.

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January information (1st Jan 2021) View download document
Keen to be Green - Nov- Dec (15th Jun 2017) View download document
Key Stage 2 Pupils' Handbook (2nd Jan 2017) View download document
Key Workers (20th Mar 2020) View download document
KS1 Christmas show invitation 2019 (21st Nov 2019) View download document
KS2 Safeguarding Assembly (6th Sep 2024) View download document
Language of Rights House Competition (13th Sep 2019) View download document
Learn more about your rights (15th Apr 2019) View download document
Literacy Policy June 2016 Abridged Ver. (1st Jan 2017) View download document
Long Term Medication Permission Form (24th Feb 2017) View download document
March/April Topic: On Safari. Your Literacy and Numeracy guide to Y3 learning in this topic (14th Jun 2017)

Travel across the world to Kenya to find out about life in another country.

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Mathematics & Numeracy Policy June 2015 Abridged Ver. (1st Jan 2017) View download document
May/June Topic: Once Upon a Time. Your Literacy and Numeracy guide to Y3 learning in this topic. (31st May 2017)

Dive into the world of make believe. Find out about traditional stories from other countries and from N. Ireland. Retell well known fairy tales and make movie trailers.

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Meet The Teacher Information (15th Sep 2017) View download document
Meet the Teacher Information Evening (15th Sep 2017) View download document
Meet the Teacher Information Evening (15th Sep 2017) View download document
Meet the Teacher Information Evening (20th Sep 2017) View download document
Meet the Teacher Information Evening (20th Sep 2017) View download document
Monday 20.04.20 (3rd Apr 2020) View download document
Monday 20.04.20 (3rd Apr 2020) View download document
Money Moods Flyer (21st Sep 2022) View download document
More Active Kids (27th Feb 2024) View download document
Music Policy Sept 2016 Abridged Ver. (1st Jan 2017) View download document
New Horizons - Jan - Feb (14th Jun 2017) View download document
New Year, New You 2020 Flyer (6th Jan 2020) View download document
Non-Smoking Campus Policy Sept 2016 (2nd Jan 2017) View download document
note home for tombola (20th Nov 2018) View download document
Nov/Dec Topic - Building Bridges (7th Mar 2017)

During this topic we will be thinking about why and how people build bridges. What are they made out of? What is the best type of bridge? How do we decide exactly where a bridge should go? What is the benefit of having a bridge near you? We will also thinking about other sorts of bridge - bridges of friendship, bridges of peace and bridges of kindness.

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Nov/Dec Topic: Making a differernce. Your Literacy and Numeracy guide to Y3 learning in this topic (16th Jun 2017)

Find out about characters from the past who have made an impact on our lives today.

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Online Safety Newsletter May 2020 (6th May 2020) View download document
Online Safety Newsletter May 2020 Whitehouse (6th May 2020) View download document
Online Safety Newsletter Sept 2020 Whitehouse (5th Sep 2020) View download document
Online Safety Newsletter Tiktok (6th May 2020) View download document
Op Encompass School Parent Letter WPS23 (3rd Feb 2023) View download document
Operation Encompass Information (6th Mar 2023) View download document
Our Values (15th Feb 2017) View download document
P.E. Policy Sept. 2016 Abridged Ver. (1st Jan 2017) View download document
Parent Advice Sheet for Tiktok (27th Nov 2020) View download document
Parent and Carer workshops Sustaining Healthy Relationships (18th May 2022) View download document
Parent and staff email guidance (1st Jan 2021) View download document
Parent Email Guidelines (1st May 2020) View download document
Parent flyer 24 25 New.pdf (1st Jul 2024) View download document
Parent Reg guide for Counselling Service 22.pdf (20th Sep 2023) View download document
Parent Registration Guide for School Based Counselling (2nd Sep 2022) View download document
Parent/Pupil Help Cards for Literacy and Maths (20th Jan 2017) View download document
Parental Controls on Android (7th Mar 2024) View download document
Parental Controls on IOS (7th Mar 2024) View download document
Parentline NI Bounce Back Workshop (23rd Sep 2021) View download document
Parentline Workshops (28th Mar 2022) View download document
Parents' Guide to GDPR (10th Sep 2018) View download document
Parent_Topic_Planner_Jan-Feb.docx (7th Jan 2019) View download document
Peace Proms 2017 (11th Jan 2017) View download document
Peer Pressure (9th Jun 2022) View download document
Playboard NI (9th Dec 2022) View download document
Policy Appendices 24 25 1 .pdf (1st Jul 2024) View download document
Pupil holidays (23rd Sep 2021) View download document
Pupils' School Development Guide (15th Oct 2016) View download document
Pupils' School Development Guide (15th Oct 2016) View download document
R.E. Policy June 2016 Abridged Ver. (1st Jan 2017) View download document
R.R.S. Action Plan 2018/19 (15th Apr 2019) View download document
Relationship & Sexuality Policy Nov 2015 (31st Dec 2016) View download document
Restart info for parents (17th Aug 2020) View download document
RISE (NI) Ideas for Parents (12th Jun 2020) View download document
RRS Gold Report (21st Oct 2019) View download document
Sample- overwrite this 2 (29th Sep 2016) View download document
Sample- overwrite this 3 (29th Sep 2016) View download document
School Charter (10th Jan 2019) View download document
School Charter - Arabic (15th Apr 2019) View download document
School Charter - Croatian (15th Apr 2019) View download document
School Charter - Czech (15th Apr 2019) View download document
School Charter - Malayalam (15th Apr 2019) View download document
School Charter - Polish (15th Apr 2019) View download document
School Charter - Romanian (15th Apr 2019) View download document
School Charter - Russian (15th Apr 2019) View download document
School Charter - Telugu (15th Apr 2019) View download document
School Charter Handout (30th Aug 2019) View download document
SEN Policy 2016 (11th Mar 2017) View download document
SEN Policy June 2016 (22nd Feb 2017) View download document
Sept/Oct Topic - Raging Rivers (3rd Sep 2018)

This topic overview is designed to help parents see what is ahead in their children's learning so they can support them more effectively.  Please print out this overview and use it as a tool to talk to your child about their life in school.  Thank you!

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SG and CP POLICY WPS 24 25.pdf (1st Jul 2024) View download document
Shared Education Letter (25th Sep 2016)

A copy of the permission letter for children to travel between the two schools for S.T.E.M. workshops.

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Shared Education PowerPoint (25th Sep 2016)

Find out about all we are doing with Shared Education.  In this exciting presentation we overview the special focus we use in Year 5 through S.T.E.M. to make a fantastic impact on our children, both schools and the wider community.

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Short Term Medication Permission Forms (24th Feb 2017) View download document
Silver RRSA Report (25th Jun 2018) View download document
Smart TVs advice for Parents and Carers (19th Nov 2023) View download document
Somewhere Over the Rainbow (Sept - Oct) (25th Jan 2019)

What a colourful world we live in! Let’s take a look at colour mixing, rainbows, fruit and vegetables and the stories of Little Riding Hood, Elmer and Noah’s Ark.

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Special Family Support Hub NewsletterEdition 3 March20 1 (10th Apr 2020) View download document
Starting Nursery language sheet (9th Sep 2016) View download document
Starting Nursery school sheet (9th Sep 2016) View download document
Stay Safe Online This Summer (28th Jun 2024) View download document
Step Back in Time - May - June (25th May 2017) View download document
Studyladder Letter Home (5th Sep 2020) View download document
Summer Scheme Info (20th Jun 2023) View download document
Sure Start Survey (25th Sep 2016) View download document
Switch Off Fortnight introduction (23rd Nov 2017) View download document
test (29th Sep 2016) View download document
TheWorld Around Us Sept 2016 Abridged Ver (1st Jan 2017) View download document
Thursday 23 .04.20 (3rd Apr 2020) View download document
Thursday 23 .04.20 (3rd Apr 2020) View download document
Tuesday 21 .04.20 (3rd Apr 2020) View download document
Tuesday 21 .04.20 (3rd Apr 2020) View download document
UN Flags Quiz (10th Sep 2019) View download document
UNCRC 30th Anniversary Competition (26th Sep 2019) View download document
Updated information on isolation (24th Jan 2022) View download document
updated restart info 25/8/20 (25th Aug 2020) View download document
UsefulApps. Emotional well being. Action for Children (10th Apr 2020) View download document
Vetting & Volunteering September 2017 (8th Mar 2018) View download document
Visitors' Code of Conduct (2nd Jan 2017) View download document
Waste Assembly by the Eco team (20th Nov 2018) View download document
Waste Week. The eco members planned a week for the pupils at Whitehose to consider the impact waste has on the environment. They looked at strategies to reduce waste at school and how to use recycled materials in school. look out for our recycled planters (2nd Jun 2017) View download document
Wednesday 22.04.20 (3rd Apr 2020) View download document
Wednesday 22.04.20 (3rd Apr 2020) View download document
Welcome to Year 6 (1st Sep 2020) View download document
Wellbeing Strategy Action Plan (Part 1) (14th Oct 2016) View download document
Wellbeing Strategy Action Plan (Part 2) (14th Oct 2016) View download document
What to bring to nursery (9th Sep 2016) View download document
Whistleblowing Policy Dec 2016 (3rd Jan 2017) View download document
Whitehouse Eco code 22-23 (13th Oct 2022) View download document
Whitehouse Primary Active School Travel Policy (13th Oct 2022) View download document
Whitehouse Primary School Privacy Statement (10th Sep 2018) View download document
Whitehouse RRSA Gold report (2nd Nov 2019) View download document
Winter Wonderland (Jan-Feb) (1st Feb 2019)

Jet off to the Polar Lands and pack your suitcase for the ski slopes. This is an adventure not to be missed.

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Y3 fairy Tale Day (19th Jun 2017) View download document
Y3 World of Owls & Castle Espie (29th Mar 2017) View download document
Year 1 October Interview Arrangement Letter 2016 (3rd Oct 2016) View download document
Year 2 Fantastic Farming ( Sept - Oct) Your literacy and numeracy guide to Year 2 learning in this topic (17th Jun 2017)

In this topic we learn all about farm animals

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Year 2 Fantastic Food ( Nov - Dec) Your literacy and numeracy guide to Year 2 learning in this topic (16th Jun 2017)

In this topic we will learn all about food from different countries and have a taste day

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Year 2 People Who Help Us (Jan-Feb) Your literacy and numeracy guide to Year 2 learning in this topic (15th Jun 2017) View download document
Year 2 Pirates/The Seaside (May-June) Your literacy and numeracy guide to Year 2 learning in this topic (12th Jun 2017) View download document
Year 2 Where We Live (March-April) Your literacy and numeracy guide to Year 2 learning in this topic (14th Jun 2017) View download document
Year 3 Meet the teacher (2nd Sep 2022) View download document
Year 4 Material Topic (Nov - Dec) Your literacy and numeracy guide to Year 4 learning in this topic (19th Oct 2016)

This is where you get to become a mad scientists and experiment with materials, their properties and how they change.

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Year 4 Meet the teacher 2022 (2nd Sep 2022) View download document
Year 4 Topic Children in World War 2 (Sept - Oct) Your literacy and numeracy Guide to Year4 learning in this topic (21st Oct 2016)

Investigate what life was like for evacuees living in the countryside. Research rationing and create your own propaganda posters. We have our very own WW2 day where you can dress up as civilians and soldiers, have a go at drill practise and crack some spy codes.

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Year 5 Change Topic (May & June.): Your literacy and numeracy guide to Year 5 learning in this topic. (6th Feb 2017) View download document
Year 5 Life in Ancient Times (Jan & Feb.): Your literacy and numeracy guide to Year 5 learning in this topic. (8th Feb 2017) View download document
Year 5 Life in Ancient Times Topic (Mar & April.): Your literacy and numeracy guide to Year 5 learning in this topic. (7th Feb 2017) View download document
Year 5 The Sea Topic (Sept & Oct.): Your literacy and numeracy guide to Year 5 learning in this topic. (10th Feb 2017) View download document
Year 5 Titanic Topic (Nov & Dec.): Your literacy and numeracy guide to Year 5 learning in this topic. (9th Feb 2017) View download document
Year 6 Meet the teacher 2019 (15th Sep 2019) View download document
Year 6 Parents' Transfer Information (3rd Feb 2017) View download document
Year 6 Transfer Information Evening @ 7pm (24th Jan 2017) View download document
Year 7 Heart Topic (March/April)Your Literacy and Numeracy guide for Year7 learning in this topic (13th Jun 2017) View download document
Year 7 Homework Sept 20 (5th Sep 2020) View download document
Year 7 Let's Learn - Spelling Strategies (3rd Oct 2022) View download document
Year 7 Let's Learn - Transitions Tips (3rd Oct 2022) View download document
Year 7 Let's Learn Maths - Factors (3rd Oct 2022) View download document
Year 7 Let's Learn Maths - Mean, Mode, Median & Range Help (3rd Oct 2022) View download document
Year 7 Let's Learn Maths - Multiples (3rd Oct 2022) View download document
Year 7 Let's Learn Reading Comprehension Strategies (3rd Oct 2022) View download document
Year 7 October Interview Letter 2016 (3rd Oct 2016) View download document
Year 7 Parents' Transfer Advice (3rd Feb 2017) View download document
Year 7 Rainforest Topic (Sept - Dec) Your literacy and numeracy guide to Year 7learning in this topic (11th Oct 2017) View download document
Year 7R Swimming Note September 2018 (6th Sep 2018) View download document
You Tube Information and Advice for Parents and Carers - (6th Oct 2023) View download document
'Finishing Touches' - SDP Consultation (12th Sep 2016) View download document