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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2017/2018 School Year

19th Sep 2017
Y3 have been doing lots of learning using numicon and digit cards. This is to help...
19th Sep 2017
September Update Late August and September is a very exciting and busy time in...
19th Sep 2017
Find out what they would like to be when they grow up!
1st Sep 2017
End of Year Report The Eco Committee achieved their Bronze Award and had a...

2016/2017 School Year

7th Jul 2017
Our topic in May and June has been 'In the Garden'.  We hope you enjoy looking...
7th Jul 2017
In June Year 1 enjoyed a visit from Mr Hasson, the gardener.  He...
7th Jul 2017
In May and June Year 1 took part in a series of Forest School sessions with our...
7th Jul 2017
On the 7th June Year 1 enjoyed a day out to Hillmount Garden Centre and Stormont...
29th Jun 2017
This week we celebrated millions of words being read by our pupils as part of our...
29th Jun 2017
This week we presented over 30 Gold Star Awards to pupils who exceeded very testing...