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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2015/2016 School Year

8th Apr 2016
Look at the photos of our first ever P.T.A. family quiz night. All families and...
8th Apr 2016
Year 4 had the opportunity to visit the trenches at Mossley Mill this week. We watched...
8th Apr 2016
Look at all our children at Grandparents' Club learning how to sew for our next...
23rd Mar 2016
We celebrated St Patrick's day by carrying out some research on St Patrick,...
23rd Mar 2016
Everyone at Whitehouse would like to wish Mrs Clifford all the best as she begins...
23rd Mar 2016
Have a look at our wonderful Easter eggs that we decoratated. Well done to each...
23rd Mar 2016
This term a group of Year 7 pupils attended Art Club with Mr Armstrong from...
23rd Mar 2016
Mr Bailie brought the pupils through the Easter story over three assemblies.  Pupils...
23rd Mar 2016
Look at their wee faces. Hope you and your families enjoy your Easter treats.
23rd Mar 2016
These are pupils selected each month for doing really well. They can be rewarded...