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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2015/2016 School Year

8th Mar 2016
Both P5 classes took part in an all day workshop today with Rita and Michael. ...
7th Mar 2016
Our new topic for March is Spring and Growth. Throughout this month, we will be...
7th Mar 2016
And the winners of The handwriting competition from Miss McIntosh's class are ..........
7th Mar 2016
Miss McIntosh's class visited Mr Harris's class for some joint reading time with...
7th Mar 2016
  As part of the ‘festival of Words’ week, KS1 had a talking...
7th Mar 2016
  Our buddy class is Miss Campbell’s Y6. We had great fun this week...
4th Mar 2016
Well done to everyone who brought in a book box of their favourite book. They were...
4th Mar 2016
  Can we say a huge thank you to everyone who brought in a Book Box last...
4th Mar 2016
As part of the 'Festival of Words' week each class had the task of decorating their...