Access Keys:

Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2020/2021 School Year

30th Nov 2020
P2 have been enjoying the story 'The Runaway Pizza.' It is a great story which we...
30th Nov 2020
Y4 are loving our new PC’s.  They think the bigger screens are great...
30th Nov 2020
Y4 celebrated the end of our WW2 topic by having a VE Day party. We listened to...
30th Nov 2020
We are very proud to announce our November Star Pupils! Foundation Stage...
26th Nov 2020
The Online Safety Centre has shared recent  concerns about conversations  happening...
26th Nov 2020
Year 6 have been learning about the key features of a river. Check out our amazing...
20th Nov 2020
P2 have been working very hard on addition this week. They have been learning...
17th Nov 2020
The children have been thinking and talking about bullying. We began the...
17th Nov 2020
We have been enjoying playing outside in the lovely Autumn weather!
12th Nov 2020
This week Year 7 learnt about Remembrance. We learnt why 11th November is a...