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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2018/2019 School Year

9th Nov 2018
Year 7 pupils were involved in distributing poppies round school this week to raise...
8th Nov 2018
Year 5 went to the field today to do some practical learning outdoors. In Numeracy...
7th Nov 2018
Year 7 pupils at Whitehouse Primary made a poppy display to commemorate the 100...
5th Nov 2018
This month we are focusing on Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation. We will be taking...
2nd Nov 2018
Year 5 Room 10 and Year 2 Room 3 had our first buddy session last week. We really...
2nd Nov 2018
Last week we had a visit from the Fire Service. They told us about items in the...
1st Nov 2018
Our right of the month for November is Article 27, "Every child has the right...
1st Nov 2018
This week, 24 year seven pupils came to school each day for ‘AQE Blast’....
26th Oct 2018
We have been loving sharing these books in Nursery in preparation for the launch...