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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey


2017/2018 School Year

14th Mar 2018
As part of our bird topic, Y3 have been learning how to create animations. We had...
14th Mar 2018
Year 4 boys and girls from St James's PS visited us this morning. We were very excited...
9th Mar 2018
In the Nursery, we have been busy in our covered area spraying fiery colours...
9th Mar 2018
Throughout January and February Year 1 were learning all about Winter.  They explored...
9th Mar 2018
Year 7 thoroughly enjoyed a range of activities to celebrate 'Festival of Words...
9th Mar 2018
Year 6 have been piloting a new maths programme called Learning by Questions. Every...
7th Mar 2018
Congratulations to these Year 7 pupils who were awarded their next certificate level...
5th Mar 2018
Today, both P5 classes went to the hall for a special workshop. This was led by...
2nd Mar 2018
Have look at our fantastic costumes we wore for our vocabulary parade and the book...