Access Keys:

Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

School Calendar

December 2016 February 2017
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Sun 1
Christmas Holidays
Mon 2
Christmas Holidays
Tue 3
Christmas Holidays
Wed 4
Christmas Holidays
Thu 5
School begins!
Fri 6
'Order of the Phoenix' - Results assembly at 9.30am. (Reward in the school hall for the winning team at 1.30pm.)
Sat 7

Sun 8

Mon 9
'New Year, New You 2017' (Wellbeing Community Week)
Road Safety Meeting with the Chairperson (7pm in the school hall to explore better parking and safety on the school grounds.)
Tue 10
'New Year, New You 2017' (Wellbeing Community Week)
Wed 11
'New Year, New You 2017' (Wellbeing Community Week)
Working Together Wednesday (Each week the pupils from St. James's Primary and Whitehouse play and learn together.)
Parents' Internet Safety Night with the PSNI has been moved! (The PSNI have had to cancel this night. It will now be held on Wednesday 18th Jan. @ 7pm.)
Thu 12
'New Year, New You 2017' (Wellbeing Community Week)
Fri 13
'New Year, New You 2017' (Wellbeing Community Week )
Attendance Reward Day (Silver coins for 100% attendance in December.)
Sat 14

Sun 15

Mon 16
Interview Letters: (This week letters will go home to arrange interviews in February.)
Year 7 Visit Carrick College (Details have been forwarded.)
Tue 17
Hazelwood Integrated College to visit Year 7. (These visits will happen in the Year 7 classes.)
Wed 18
Working Together Wednesday (Each week the pupils from St. James's Primary and Whitehouse play and learn together.)
Parents' Internet Safety Night with the PSNI (7pm to 8m. Please plan to attend!)
Thu 19
Family Learning Workshop for all Year 4 to 7 Pupils (3pm to 4pm. May only attend with an adult from their family or a carer. )
Year 5 Shared Education Family Science Night (Come along at 7pm to find out about our family residential.)
Fri 20
Year 6 visit to W5 & a Giants' Match. (Details have been forwarded.)
Sat 21

Sun 22

Mon 23
Interview Letters Return Deadline (Please get your forms back to school today.)
Tue 24
January's Phoenix Newsletter Issued (Please enjoy our newsletter and take a note of key dates.)
Year 5 at the Peace Proms Practice (Shared Education) (Ulster Hall Belfast)
Wed 25
Working Together Wednesday (Each week the pupils from St. James's Primary and Whitehouse play and learn together.)
Thu 26
Year 5 & 6 Shared Education Family Science Night (7pm at St. James's Primary School)
Fri 27
Year 7 Transfer Interviews (Details to be sent home by the 16th Jan.)
Sat 28
A.Q.E. Result Day (Please see the emergency procedures if results do not arrive under News.)
Sun 29

Mon 30
Transfer Interviews Mrs Richmond's class (Pupils who sat the AQE) (Details to be sent home by the 16th Jan.)
Year 1 health appraisals (Parents have been forwarded times for appointments with the nurse. )
Tue 31
Transfer Interviews Mrs Watson's Class (Pupils who sat AQE) (Details to be sent home by the 16th Jan.)