Access Keys:

Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

School Clubs


Mon -       Flute and Clarinet (external support)

                KS2 Football Club 


Tues -     Y7 Guitar Club (external support) 

               Senior Choir Y4-7

               KS2 Art club  

               KS1 club:

term 1 story time club

term 2 computer club  

term 3 get out and get active club


Wed -      Y6 Guitar club  (external support)

                Violin (external support)

                Y2&3 Football (Outside agency A.M.J.R. Coaching)

                Y4-7 Football (Outside agency A.M.J.R. Coaching)


Fri -          ICT Mentors

                 Eco Team


 Hockey club - January to Easter


* These clubs run at intervals throughout the year