Access Keys:

Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

ICT Mentors


ICT Mentors

Our ICT Mentors meet on Friday mornings to develop our skills.  Our main areas of responsibility are;

  • Help to develop online safety awareness throughout the school.
  • Help to implement our whole school ICT target - the development of film and animation.
  • Support staff and pupils with the use of ICT across the curriculum.
  • Maintain hardware.
  • Update staff and pupils with relevant ICT related news.

Online Safety Tips from Y7 ICT Mentors

"Always keep your personal information safe because people are not always who they say they are."


"Make sure you keep all your online accounts private."


"Don't meet up with someone you have met online no matter how much you think you know them as they could be anyone"


"Never accept files that you do not know because they could be a virus on your computer"


" Try and make sure you check more than three websites for reliable information "


" if you see something online which upsets you, turn your monitor off and tell an adult"

11th Jun 2024
Year 7 enjoyed their fundraising walk to Hazelbank Park. We visited the Coronation...
5th Jun 2024
KS1 had a fun time on our nature walk today. We took a walk in the Glen and saw...
16th Jun 2023
Today we took some time to say a massive thank you to the teams who have worked...