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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

News - Year 5

2017/2018 School Year

19th Mar 2018
Today the children from Whitehouse and St.James visited Whitehouse Presbyterian...
5th Mar 2018
Today, both P5 classes went to the hall for a special workshop. This was led by...
2nd Mar 2018
As part of our 'Festival of Words' celebrations some of our pupils made 'Book Boxes'....
2nd Mar 2018
Today, some very brave key stage 2 pupils performed in our poetry competition. We...
27th Feb 2018
These children remembered to bring in an item for show and tell today.  Among...
26th Feb 2018
Today Year 2R and Year 5R/C worked together as part of Festival of Words. The...
26th Feb 2018
Today was our introductory lesson to our new Maths topic, fractions.  Each...
6th Feb 2018
Today was an important day, as we were all reminded, again, about how important...
22nd Jan 2018
Today P5 spent an hour on the water bus.  We asked the children to give some...
11th Jan 2018
We all shook away the Christmas cobwebs today in out fitness session this morning!...