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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

News - Year 7

2022/2023 School Year

6th Mar 2023
As part of our WAU topic - The Rainforest, Year 7 took part in a Climate Change...
3rd Mar 2023
Year 7 had a very busy week exploring and discovering new books and authors this...
3rd Mar 2023
Congratulations to 6 Year 7 pupils who worked extremely hard to get their next AR...
27th Feb 2023
Our Year 7’s took part in a super workshop on Fast Fashion. They were encouraged...
21st Feb 2023
Year 7 were learning about pancake day or Shrove Tuesday. According to tradition,...
8th Dec 2022
As part of our PDMU and transition programme, Year 7 have been taking part in the...
5th Dec 2022
Year 7 enjoyed their lesson sampling day at Newtownabbey Community School. ...
30th Nov 2022
Congratualtions to six year 7 pupils who have been awarded their next AR certificate....
28th Oct 2022
Congratulations to 7 of our Y7 pupils who were awarded their next AR certificate....

2021/2022 School Year

4th Mar 2022
This week has been Festival of Words week in school. The children have really enjoyed...