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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

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2018/2019 School Year

29th Mar 2019
Some pupils from Whitehouse and St James got the amazing opportunity to visit Cool...
29th Mar 2019
Last week the P6/P7 boys took part in a tag rugby tournament. They played 4 games...
28th Mar 2019
Year 4 enjoyed planting some spring flowers this afternoon. Don’t they really...
28th Mar 2019
The Eco team have been working hard on reducing the amount of waste in school. We...
28th Mar 2019
The Eco team have been encouraging the school to think of ways to reduce single...
14th Mar 2019
During January and February, Year 1 explored Winter in Northern Ireland, jetted...
14th Mar 2019
The boys and girls in Year 1 had great fun during our Festival of Words.  We...
12th Mar 2019
During the Festival of Words week, all of KS1 we’re learning a poem. They...
12th Mar 2019
Year 3 have been working on amazing bird projects as part of their home learning....