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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

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2020/2021 School Year

9th May 2021
It has been great getting equipment back out for the children to use at lunchtime....
5th May 2021
Y3 have been working for 3 weeks on procedural writing/ instructions. We have read...
26th Mar 2021
Since returning to school we have spent time thinking about how we can help each...
26th Mar 2021
This week has been really special, we've loved having our whole school back together...
26th Mar 2021
Over the last three weeks Year 1 have had lots of fun outdoors.  We have started...
15th Mar 2021
It has been so nice to have our classrooms full of fun and laughter again. ...
21st Dec 2020
The Whitehouse school elves returned to visit Y3 classrooms again this December....
9th Dec 2020
Y3 have been learning all about Florence Nightingale this term. Keep a look out...
8th Dec 2020
Our Year 6 topic this term is 'Building Bridges'. We have looked at the different...
1st Dec 2020
This month Year 1 have been learning about seasonal change through our Autumn topic. ...