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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

News - Year 2

2020/2021 School Year

24th May 2021
P2 have been enjoying their new topic - Pirates!  We have had lots of fun...
24th Mar 2021
It has been great to have all of the children back to school. We have been extremely...
1st Jan 2021
Please read the January information letter regarding plans for school based on the...
30th Nov 2020
P2 have been enjoying the story 'The Runaway Pizza.' It is a great story which we...
20th Nov 2020
P2 have been working very hard on addition this week. They have been learning...
20th Oct 2020
P2 have been learning all about 'teen numbers'. The children have been using Numicon,...
20th Oct 2020
P2 have had lots of fun learning through play. They have enjoyed using all of the...
5th Oct 2020
At the end of each month each teacher has the difficult task of choosing...

2019/2020 School Year

1st May 2020
As we come to the end of the second week of online learning we know that there have...
22nd Apr 2020
This is a step by step guide to using the home learning tab on the school website....