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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

News - Year 2

2019/2020 School Year

10th Mar 2020
P2 have been talking about the importance of washing their hands. We have been watching...
6th Mar 2020
P2 enjoyed the company of their buddies in P5 as the two classes joined together...
6th Mar 2020
P2 came dressed to impress for our World Book Day event. We wowed each other with...
6th Mar 2020
P2 and P5 had lots of fun reading together during our 'Festival of Words' week....
6th Mar 2020
We had lots of fun on World Book Day. We came to school as our favourite book characters....
6th Mar 2020
Our new topic in P2 is Houses and Homes. We have had lots of fun this week during...
6th Mar 2020
P2 have had lots of fun this week reading the story of The Three Little Pigs. We...
10th Jan 2020
P2 looked fantastic with their costume and props, as they dressed for their future...
10th Jan 2020
P2 looked fantastic with their costumes and props, as they dressed for their future...
10th Jan 2020
Judith, from Cancer Focus, came to visit us with her friend Genevieve to talk to...