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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

News - Year 3

2019/2020 School Year

5th Feb 2020
Y3 travelled to Castle Espie to find out about birds that like to live in wetland...
29th Jan 2020
As part of our bird topic we decided to make bird pudding to help feed the birds...
29th Jan 2020
Mike, from The World of Owls, came to visit us. He introduced us to 2 amazing...
10th Jan 2020
Thank you to Coach David from Club Gymnasia for taking an introduction to gymnastics...
10th Jan 2020
As part of New Year, New You, Year 3 had a talk from Julie our school counsellor....
10th Jan 2020
On Wednesday all of Y3 and Y4 went on a walk to Hazelbank. On the way we were looking...
8th Jan 2020
As part of New Year, New You we boarded the Translink safety bus to learn some important...
7th Jan 2020
We learnt all about how to keep our teeth healthy thanks to Monkstown dentist. They...
6th Jan 2020
This week is a combination of in class and year group/whole school events. The week...
19th Dec 2019
Congratulations to the Christmas Hamper winners from foundation, Key stage 1 and...