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Whitehouse Primary School, 2 Doagh Rd, Newtownabbey

News - Year 3

2018/2019 School Year

11th Oct 2018
Mrs Johnston, from the Sensory Support Team, came in to visit us to teach us more...
27th Sep 2018
Mr Lacey came into school this week with his guide dog called Juno. He helped the...

2017/2018 School Year

27th Jun 2018
Year 3 have been enjoying some outdoor play. Look at all the wonderful things we...
22nd Jun 2018
As part of our topic, we have been looking at fairytale settings. We used junk art...
21st Jun 2018
Year 3 had a great time enjoying money week. We looked at how to keep out money...
31st May 2018
Huge thanks to all the friends and family members who came to support the children....
20th Mar 2018
Today we travelled to St James's to work with the children there. We had a really...
14th Mar 2018
As part of our bird topic, Y3 have been learning how to create animations. We had...
2nd Mar 2018
As part of our taking flight topic, children have been learning all about different...
2nd Mar 2018
Check out these wonderful book box entries from Year 3. Well done to the children...